Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:
1. That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding a section numbered 18.2-283.2 as follows:
§18.2-283.2. Carrying weapon into building owned or used by the Commonwealth or political subdivision thereof; penalty.
A. It is unlawful for any person to possess in or transport into any building owned, leased, or used by the Commonwealth or any agency or political subdivision thereof for governmental purposes any (i) firearm or other weapon designed or intended to propel a missile or projectile of any kind; (ii) frame, receiver, muffler, silencer, missile, projectile, or ammunition designed for use with a dangerous weapon; or (iii) other dangerous weapon, including explosives, stun weapons as defined in § 18.2-308.1, and those weapons specified in subsection A of §18.2-308. A violation of this section is punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor. Any weapon or item possessed or transported in violation of this section shall be subject to seizure by a law-enforcement officer and forfeited to the Commonwealth and disposed of as provided in §19.2-386.28.
B. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any law-enforcement officer as defined in §9.1-101, conservator of the peace, magistrate, court officer, judge, city or county treasurer, commissioner or deputy commissioner of the Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission, authorized security personnel, or active military personnel while in the conduct of such person's official duties.
C. Notice of the provisions of this section shall be posted conspicuously at each public entrance to each building owned, leased, or used by the Commonwealth or any agency or political subdivision thereof and no person shall be convicted of an offense under subsection A if such notice is not so posted at such building, unless such person had actual notice of subsection A.
2. That the provisions of this act may result in a net increase in periods of imprisonment or commitment. Pursuant to §30-19.1:4 of the Code of Virginia, the estimated amount of the necessary appropriation is $0 for periods of imprisonment in state adult correctional facilities and cannot be determined for periods of commitment to the custody of the Department of Juvenile Justice.