WHEREAS, Alfredo Serrato is retiring as Willacy County |
Precinct 3 commissioner, and this occasion provides a fitting |
opportunity to recognize him for his dedicated work in behalf of his |
fellow citizens; and |
WHEREAS, Mr. Serrato first joined the Willacy County |
Commissioners Court on January 1, 1985, and served for five |
consecutive terms; after choosing not to run in 2004, he was elected |
to the court again in 2008 and reelected in 2012; over the course of |
nearly three decades as a county commissioner, he has been an |
effective advocate for his constituents and has helped bring about |
significant infrastructure improvements within the county; and |
WHEREAS, A lifelong resident of Willacy County, Mr. Serrato |
has also served the public in a number of other capacities: as a |
firefighter and later as fire chief with the Lyford Volunteer Fire |
Department, as a deputy sheriff with the Willacy County Sheriff's |
Department, and as a member of the Lyford City Commission, during |
which time he was instrumental in establishing the town's first |
sewer system and in upgrading the water plant and lines; and |
WHEREAS, Through his commitment to good governance and his |
concern for others, Alfredo Serrato has helped make Willacy County |
an even better place in which to live and work, and he has set a |
standard of excellence to which others may aspire; now, therefore, |
be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas |
Legislature hereby congratulate Alfredo Serrato on his retirement |
as Willacy County Precinct 3 commissioner and extend to him sincere |
best wishes for the future; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for Mr. Serrato as an expression of high regard by the |
Texas House of Representatives. |