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9 total bills, 4 anti-gun bills,
3 pro-gun bills for this session
Proposed New Hampshire Firearm Legislation

2013 Session2014 Session2015 Session2016 Session2017 Session2018 Session2019 Session2020 Session2021 Session2022 Session2023 Session2024 Session2025 Session

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note: Eligible legislation from odd-numbered is reintroduced in even-numbered years. Legislation that was re-referred to or retained by the committee in the first year session may be reintroduced. If legislation was deemed inexpedient to legislate, it is not reintroduced.

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Requiring a background check and mandatory waiting period during certain firearm transfers.

Description: Requiring a background check and mandatory waiting period during certain firearm transfers.

Last Action: Inexpedient to Legislate: Motion Adopted Regular Calendar 216-154 02/20/2025 House Journal 6

Last Action Date: February 20, 2025

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Authorizing the state to report mental health data for firearms background check purposes and providing for processes for confiscation of firearms following certain mental health-related court proceedings and for relief from mental health-related firearms disabilities.

Description: Authorizing the state to report mental health data for firearms background check purposes and providing for processes for confiscation of firearms following certain mental health-related court proceedings and for relief from mental health-related firearms disabilities.

Last Action: Minority Committee Report: Inexpedient to Legislate

Last Action Date: March 4, 2025

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Prohibiting possession of a firearm at a polling place.

Description: Prohibiting possession of a firearm at a polling place.

Last Action: Inexpedient to Legislate: Motion Adopted Regular Calendar 211-161 02/20/2025 House Journal 6

Last Action Date: February 20, 2025

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Prohibiting denial of banking and insurance services based on any factor that is not quantitative, impartial, and risk-based as measured by an objective standard.

Description: Prohibiting denial of banking and insurance services based on any factor that is not quantitative, impartial, and risk-based as measured by an objective standard.

Last Action: Subcommittee Work Session: 03/12/2025 10:00 am Legislative Office Building 302-304

Last Action Date: March 7, 2025

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Exempting firearms and firearm accessories manufactured for in-state use only from the National Firearm Act.

Description: Exempting firearms and firearm accessories manufactured for in-state use only from the National Firearm Act.

Last Action: Ought to Pass: Motion Adopted Regular Calendar 205-168 02/20/2025 House Journal 6

Last Action Date: February 20, 2025

this is an pro-gun bill


Title: Relative to background checks during motions to return firearms and ammunition.

Description: Relative to background checks during motions to return firearms and ammunition.

Last Action: Division II Work Session: 03/07/2025 09:00 am Legislative Office Building 209

Last Action Date: February 25, 2025

watching this bill


Title: Repealing the license to sell pistols and revolvers.

Description: Repealing the license to sell pistols and revolvers.

Last Action: Executive Session: 03/07/2025 10:00 am Legislative Office Building 202-204

Last Action Date: February 20, 2025

this is an anti-gun bill


Title: Relative to the general court's authority over the sale, purchase, ownership, use, possession, transportation, licensing, permitting, taxation, and other matter pertaining to firearms, stun guns, Tasers, pepper spray devices, knives and other self-defense tools.

Description: Relative to the general court's authority over the sale, purchase, ownership, use, possession, transportation, licensing, permitting, taxation, and other matter pertaining to firearms, stun guns, Tasers, pepper spray devices, knives and other self-defense tools.

Last Action: Executive Session: 03/14/2025 10:00 am Legislative Office Building 202-204

Last Action Date: March 6, 2025

watching this bill


Title: Authorizing the state to report mental health data for firearms background check purposes and providing for processes for confiscation of firearms following certain mental health-related court proceedings and for relief from mental health-related firearms disabilities.

Description: Authorizing the state to report mental health data for firearms background check purposes and providing for processes for confiscation of firearms following certain mental health-related court proceedings and for relief from mental health-related firearms disabilities.

Last Action: Committee Report: Inexpedient to Legislate, 03/13/2025, Vote 3-1; Senate Calendar 12

Last Action Date: March 7, 2025

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