Proposed Maryland Firearm Legislation
2013 Session2014 Session2015 Session2016 Session2017 Session2018 Session2019 Session2020 Session2021 Session2022 Session2023 Session2024 Session2025 Session
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note: Maryland does not carry over legislation from session to session

Title: Firearms - Handgun Permit - Preliminary Approval
Description: Authorizing a person to apply for preliminary approval of a handgun permit without completing a certified firearms training course; requiring the Secretary to investigate an application for a handgun permit; requiring the Secretary to issue preliminary approval for a handgun permit if the applicant meets certain requirements except the required certified firearms training course; requiring an applicant to satisfy a certain firearm training requirement within 120 days after receipt of preliminary approval; etc.
Last Action: Recommitted to Judiciary (Delegate Vallario)
Last Action Date: March 30, 2018

Title: Baltimore City - Weapons on School Property - School Resource Officer
Description: Providing that the prohibition on carrying or possessing a firearm, knife, or deadly weapon of any kind on public school property does not apply to a school resource officer who is assigned to a public school in Baltimore City and is on public school property in Baltimore City.
Last Action: Unfavorable Report by Judiciary; Withdrawn
Last Action Date: February 4, 2019

Title: Public Safety - Handgun Permit - Applicant Qualifications
Description: Repealing the requirement that the Secretary of State Police find that a person has a good and substantial reason to carry, wear, or transport a handgun before issuing a handgun permit to the person.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Public Safety – Firearms Disqualifications – Antique Firearm
Description: Applying certain provisions disqualifying a person from possessing a rifle or shotgun to an antique firearm; etc.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Baltimore City - Ammunition Sales - Record Keeping
Description: Requiring a manufacturer that ships or transports a handgun for sale, rental, or transfer in Baltimore City to ensure that when ammunition is fired from the handgun, the handgun operates in a manner that includes copying the characters onto the shell casing of the ammunition by means of microstamping, and to certify to licensees that the handgun is capable of microstamping; requiring a certain licensee to report to the Baltimore Police Department at a certain time that a certain manufacturer has complied with a certain requirement; etc.
Last Action: Unfavorable Report by Judiciary; Withdrawn
Last Action Date: March 15, 2018

Title: Firearms - Right to Purchase, Own, Possess, and Carry - Medical Cannabis (Patients' Rights Act)
Description: Providing that a person may not be denied the right to purchase, own, possess, or carry a firearm solely on the basis that the person is a certain qualifying patient; defining the term "qualifying patient" to mean a person who is authorized under certain provisions of law to use medical cannabis; prohibiting a State agency from accessing a certain database to obtain certain information; prohibiting a State agency from inquiring about a person's status as a certain qualifying patient for a certain purpose; etc.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m. (Judiciary)
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Bow Hunting - Possession of Handguns for Protection
Description: Expanding to apply statewide the prohibition against the Department of Natural Resources restricting licensed bow hunters from carrying a handgun under certain circumstances.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Public Safety - Permit to Carry, Wear, or Transport a Handgun - Qualifications
Description: Clarifying that personal protection or self-defense can qualify as a good and substantial reason to wear, carry, or transport a handgun for purposes of the issuance by the Secretary of State Police of a permit to carry, wear, or transport a handgun.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Criminal Procedure - Right of Appeal - Unlawful Possession of Firearm
Description: Authorizing the State, in a criminal case involving the unlawful possession of a handgun or regulated firearm, to appeal from a decision of a trial court that excludes evidence offered by the State or requires the return of property alleged to have been seized in violation of certain constitutional provisions.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Criminal Procedure - Forfeiture of Firearms - Sale to Dealer
Description: Authorizing, in Allegany County, Carroll County, Frederick County, Garrett County, and Washington County, a certain law enforcement unit to sell, exchange, or transfer certain forfeited firearms to a federally licensed firearms dealer under certain circumstances.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Public Safety - Transfer of Handguns
Description: Providing that, for certain purposes, the term "transfer" does not include the temporary gratuitous exchange of a handgun between two individuals who remain in the same location for the duration of the exchange.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Public Safety - Handgun Permit - Application Fee Exemption
Description: Exempting retired federal and out-of-state law enforcement officers who reside in Maryland from being charged an application fee for a permit to carry, wear, or transport a handgun.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Public Safety - Handguns - Trace Information Database
Description: Requiring the Maryland State Police Gun Center to create and maintain a handgun trace information database containing information regarding seized or recovered handguns used in the commission of a crime in the State; requiring certain information to be included in the database; and requiring the database to be open to the public.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Public Safety - Handguns Used in Crime - Trace Request
Description: Requiring a certain law enforcement agency that seized or recovered a handgun used in the commission of a crime to submit a trace request to the Maryland State Police Gun Center or the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives National Tracing Center as soon as practicable after the seizure or recovery of a certain handgun.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Public Safety – Handgun Permit – Church or Religious Organization Property
Description: Authorizing a person who has the consent of a bona fide church or religious organization to carry a handgun on the property of the church or religious organization during certain events and has the intent to wear, carry, or transport a handgun for certain purposes on the property of the church or religious organization to, without a permit, carry a handgun on the property of the church or religious organization during certain events and transport a handgun to and from certain church or religious organization events ; etc.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Handguns - School Employees - Handgun Permits and Carrying Weapons on School Property
Description: Authorizing a county board to authorize school employees in the county board's school system to carry a handgun on school property only if the handgun is secured on the person's body; requiring the Secretary of State Police to issue a handgun permit to a person who is otherwise qualified and who is a school employee in a certain school system; etc.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Firearms - Permit to Wear, Carry, or Transport a Handgun - Expiration and Renewal
Description: Altering the time period in which a permit to wear, carry, or transport a handgun expires from 2 to 5 years after the date that the permit is issued; and altering the time period for renewal of a permit to wear, carry, or transport a handgun.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Public Safety - Community Program Fund - Firearm Laws
Description: Altering the purpose of the Community Program Fund to include a study of the enforcement and effects of State firearm laws; requiring that, in fiscal years 2019 and 2020, $100,000 from the Fund be used to provide grants for a comprehensive study of the enforcement and effects of certain firearm laws; requiring the Executive Director of the Governor's Office of Crime Control and Prevention to establish a process for the award of grant funds; etc.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Public Safety – Handgun Permit Review Board – Appeals
Description: Altering the process by which a person who is denied a certain handgun permit or renewal of a permit or whose permit is revoked or limited may appeal the decision; providing that appeals from a certain decision by the Secretary or the Secretary's designee may be made to the Handgun Permit Review Board; requiring the Board to review a certain record and hold a certain hearing; providing that an appeal of the Board's decision may be made to the Office of Administrative Hearings within 30 days after the decision is issued; etc.
Last Action: Approved by the Governor - Chapter 253
Last Action Date: April 24, 2018

Title: Public Safety - Disqualifying Crime
Description: Clarifying that the term "disqualifying crime" includes a violation classified as a misdemeanor in the State that carried a statutory penalty of incarceration of more than 2 years at the time of the commission of the crime.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Criminal Law – Firearm Crimes – Rapid Fire Trigger Activator
Description: Prohibiting a person from transporting a certain rapid fire trigger activator into the State or manufacturing, possessing, selling, offering to sell, transferring, purchasing, or receiving a certain rapid fire trigger activator, subject to a certain exception; defining "rapid fire trigger activator" as any device, including a removable manual or power-driven activating device, constructed so that, when installed in or attached to a firearm the rate at which the trigger is activated increases or the rate of fire increases; etc.
Last Action: Vetoed by the Governor (Duplicative)
Last Action Date: May 25, 2018

Title: Correctional Services - Parole Eligibility - Violent Crime Involving a Firearm
Description: Altering the parole eligibility of a certain inmate who has been sentenced to the Division of Correction after being convicted of a violent crime involving a firearm committed on or after October 1, 2018.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Gun–Free Higher Education Zones
Description: Altering a certain exception relating to law enforcement officers to the prohibition on carrying certain weapons on public school property; requiring a public institution of higher education to post certain signs in prominent locations on the property; requiring the Secretary of State Police to issue a letter to a certain applicant affirming that a permit has been issued; requiring the Board of Regents for the University System of Maryland to incorporate into its bylaws, policies, and procedures the current weapons practice; etc.
Last Action: First Reading Senate Rules
Last Action Date: April 5, 2018

Title: Public Safety - Handgun Permit - Renewal
Description: Repealing the requirement that an applicant complete a certain firearms training course prior to a renewal of a permit to carry, wear, or transport a handgun; altering the term of a renewal permit; and limiting the number of times that a permit may be renewed.
Last Action: Unfavorable Report by Judiciary; Withdrawn
Last Action Date: March 5, 2018

Title: Weapon Crimes – Detachable Magazines and Regulated Firearms – Possession
Description: Prohibiting a person from possessing a certain detachable magazine that has a capacity of more than 10 rounds of ammunition; prohibiting a person from possessing a regulated firearm if the person was previously convicted of a certain crime involving possessing, owning, carrying, or transporting a firearm after having been convicted of a certain other crime; and applying certain penalties.
Last Action: Unfavorable Report by Judiciary; Withdrawn
Last Action Date: March 12, 2018

Title: Criminal Law – Wearing, Carrying, or Transporting Loaded Handgun – Subsequent Offender
Description: Prohibiting a person from wearing, carrying, or transporting a handgun loaded with ammunition on or about the person or in a vehicle under certain circumstances; prohibiting a court from suspending any part of certain sentences for persons who have previously been convicted of certain offenses; clarifying that certain sentences are mandatory minimum sentences; providing that a certain mandatory minimum sentence may not be imposed unless the State's Attorney notifies the defendant at least 30 days before the trial of the State's intentions; etc.
Last Action: Approved by the Governor - Chapter 146
Last Action Date: April 24, 2018

Title: Public Safety - Regulated Firearms - Transfer
Description: Providing that, for certain purposes, the term "transfer" includes a loan other than a temporary gratuitous exchange of a regulated firearm between two individuals who remain in the same location for the duration of the exchange.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Public Safety - Handgun Permit - Issuance and Appeal
Description: Requiring the Secretary of State Police to issue a handgun permit within 30 calendar days after making a certain finding; reducing the period of time after which a person who has applied for a certain permit that has not been acted on by the Secretary may request a hearing before the Handgun Permit Review Board; reducing the period of time within which the Board is required to take certain steps after receiving a request to review a certain decision by the Secretary; etc.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Criminal Law - Theft of a Firearm - Penalty
Description: Classifying the theft of a firearm as a felony; and establishing certain penalties for theft of a firearm.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Public Safety – Handgun Permits – Protective Order and Peace Order
Description: Requiring the Secretary of State Police to issue a handgun permit to a person who is otherwise qualified and is eligible for relief under a protective order, who is under the protection of an order for protection, or who is a petitioner under a peace order; requiring the Handgun Permit Review Board to review a certain record or conduct a certain hearing within 10 calendar days after receiving a request from a certain applicant; requiring the Board to sustain, reverse, or modify a certain decision under certain circumstances; etc.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Public Safety – Extreme Risk Protective Orders
Description: Authorizing certain individuals to file a petition for an extreme risk protective order with a certain court or a District Commissioner under certain circumstances; requiring a petition for an extreme risk protective order to contain certain information on the present danger including the number, types, and location of any known firearms in possession of the respondent; authorizing a judge to enter an interim extreme risk protective order to require the respondent to surrender any firearm in the respondent's possession; etc.
Last Action: Approved by the Governor - Chapter 250
Last Action Date: April 24, 2018

Title: Criminal Law - Crimes Against Property - Right to Defend Property
Description: Establishing that an occupant of a dwelling is justified in using any degree of physical force against another person when the other person has made an unlawful entry into the dwelling, and when the occupant has a reasonable belief that the other person has committed a crime in the dwelling in addition to the unlawful entry or is committing or intends to commit a crime against a person or property in addition to the unlawful entry; establishing that a person acting in accordance with the Act is immune from certain criminal prosecution; etc.
Last Action: Unfavorable Report by Judiciary
Last Action Date: March 15, 2018

Title: Public Safety - Handgun Permits - Active, Reserve, or Retired Military
Description: Establishing a presumption that an applicant for a permit to wear, carry, or transport a handgun has a good and substantial reason to wear, carry, or transport a handgun if the applicant is an active, reserve, or retired member of the armed forces of the United States or the National Guard.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Health – Emergency Evaluees and Involuntarily Admitted or Committed Individuals – Procedures
Description: Requiring a health care provider to disclose certain medical and legal records without the authorization of an individual to a public defender who states in writing that the Office of the Public Defender represents the individual; requiring that only those records needed by the public defender to represent the individual shall be disclosed; requiring the records to be provided within 24 hours of a certain request; prohibiting a hearing officer from ordering the release of a certain individual on certain grounds; etc.
Last Action: Vetoed by the Governor (Duplicative)
Last Action Date: May 25, 2018

Title: Handgun Permits - Firearms Training Courses
Description: Altering the requirements from a minimum of 16 hours to 8 hours of instruction by a qualified handgun instructor for firearms training courses that an initial applicant for a permit to carry, wear, or transport a handgun must successfully complete; and reducing from 8 to 4 the number of hours of instruction an applicant for renewal of a permit must successfully complete.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Public Safety - Handgun Permit - Applicant Qualifications
Description: Repealing the requirement that the Secretary of State Police find that a person has a good and substantial reason to carry, wear, or transport a handgun before issuing a handgun permit to the person.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Natural Resources - Hunter Safety Instructors - State Park Entrance Fee
Description: Requiring a person who has been authorized to give a certain course in conservation and in competency and safety in the handling of firearms to be admitted to any State park without having to pay an entrance fee.
Last Action: Unfavorable Report by Environment and Transportation
Last Action Date: March 16, 2018

Title: Firearms - Right to Purchase, Possess, and Carry - Use of Medical Cannabis
Description: Providing that a person may not be denied the right to purchase, possess, or carry a firearm solely on the basis that the person is authorized to use medical cannabis.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m. (Judiciary)
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Driver's Licenses - Revocation for Firearms on School Property
Description: Requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to revoke a person's driver's license or privilege for 1 to 3 years if the person is convicted of carrying or possessing a firearm on school property under certain circumstances; requiring a court to notify a person that the person's driver's license or privilege shall be revoked for a conviction; requiring a court to notify the Administration of the conviction of certain persons for carrying or possessing a firearm on school property; etc.
Last Action: Unfavorable Report by Judiciary
Last Action Date: March 12, 2018

Title: Handgun Permits - Universal Recognition
Description: Specifying that a permit to carry a handgun issued to an individual in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, D.C., or West Virginia is valid in Maryland.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Handgun Permits - Criminal History Check - Fingerprint Submission Exception
Description: Establishing that the Secretary of State Police is not required to submit certain fingerprints with a certain application for a criminal history records check under certain circumstances.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Public Safety - Handgun Permits - Scope
Description: Repealing the authority of the Secretary of State Police to limit the geographic area, circumstances, or times of the day, week, month, or year in which a handgun permit is effective.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Public Safety - Assault Weapons - Replacements
Description: Authorizing a person to replace a lost or broken assault weapon that was lawfully possessed in accordance with certain provisions of law if the replacement is registered with the Secretary of State Police.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Peace Orders and Protective Orders – Surrender of Firearms
Description: Requiring a temporary peace order and a final peace order to order the respondent to surrender to law enforcement authorities any firearm in the respondent's possession within a certain time frame and to refrain from possession of any firearm for the duration of the temporary peace order or the final peace order; requiring, instead of authorizing, a temporary protective order to order a certain respondent to surrender to law enforcement authorities any firearm in the respondent's possession within a certain time frame; etc.
Last Action: Unfavorable Report by Judiciary
Last Action Date: March 12, 2018

Title: Criminal Procedure - Firearms - Transfer
Description: Requiring a State's Attorney to serve a written notice on a certain defendant, defendant's counsel, and the court prior to trial or the acceptance of a guilty plea or the equivalent; requiring a court to inform, verbally or in writing, a defendant convicted of a certain offense that the defendant is prohibited from possessing certain firearms and is ordered to transfer certain firearms in accordance with the Act; authorizing the court to issue a search warrant based on probable cause that certain weapons have not been surrendered; etc.
Last Action: Approved by the Governor - Chapter 251
Last Action Date: April 24, 2018

Title: Gun-Free Higher Education Zones
Description: Altering a certain exception relating to law enforcement officers to the prohibition on carrying certain weapons on public school property; prohibiting the carrying or possession of certain firearms on the property of public institutions of higher education; providing for certain exceptions to the prohibition; establishing certain penalties; requiring a public institution of higher education to post certain signs at certain locations; etc.
Last Action: First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations
Last Action Date: February 19, 2018

Title: Task Force to Study the Effectiveness of the Enforcement of Restrictions on the Possession of Regulated Firearms
Description: Establishing a Task Force to Study the Effectiveness of the Enforcement of Restrictions on the Possession of Regulated Firearms; providing for the membership, staffing, and duties of the Task Force; requiring the Governor to appoint the chair of the Task Force; requiring the Task Force to make recommendations regarding whether existing laws are effective and adequately serve the public and report to the Governor and General Assembly by December 1, 2018; terminating the Act after June 30, 2019; etc.
Last Action: Unfavorable Report by Judiciary; Withdrawn
Last Action Date: March 15, 2018

Title: Election Law - Fund-Raising and Donations in Connection With a Campaign - Prohibition on Firearms
Description: Prohibiting candidates and certain persons associated with candidates from receiving certain contributions through, conducting fund-raising events using, and soliciting certain contributions through the sale of prohibited firearms; prohibiting candidates and certain persons associated with candidates from giving away or donating prohibited firearms in connection with a campaign; authorizing the State Board of Elections to impose a civil penalty for a violation of the Act by a campaign finance entity; etc.
Last Action: First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations
Last Action Date: March 5, 2018

Title: Criminal Law - Threat of Mass Violence and Deadly Weapons on Public School Property
Description: Altering a certain prohibition relating to threatening to commit a certain crime of violence so as to prohibit a person from knowingly threatening to commit or threatening to cause to be committed a certain crime of violence that would place five or more minors at substantial risk of death or serious physical injury if the threat were carried out; altering and establishing certain penalties; etc.
Last Action: Hearing 3/16 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 16, 2018

Title: Firearms - Handgun Permit - Preliminary Approval
Description: Authorizing a person to apply for preliminary approval of a handgun permit without completing a certified firearms training course; requiring the Secretary of State Police to investigate an application for a handgun permit; requiring the Secretary to issue preliminary approval for a handgun permit if the applicant meets certain requirements except the certified firearms training course; requiring an applicant to satisfy a certain firearm training requirement within 120 days after receipt of preliminary approval; etc.
Last Action: Recommitted to Judiciary (Delegate Vallario)
Last Action Date: March 30, 2018

Title: Criminal Law - Firearms Crimes - Bump Stock
Description: Prohibiting a person from transporting a certain bump stock into the State or manufacturing, possessing, using, selling, offering to sell, transferring, purchasing, or receiving a certain bump stock; applying certain penalties; and establishing a certain penalty for using a bump stock in the commission of a certain crime.
Last Action: Unfavorable Report by Judicial Proceedings; Withdrawn
Last Action Date: January 25, 2018

Title: Public Safety - Permit to Carry, Wear, or Transport a Handgun - Qualifications
Description: Clarifying that personal protection or self-defense can qualify as a good and substantial reason to wear, carry, or transport a handgun for purposes of the issuance by the Secretary of State Police of a permit to carry, wear, or transport a handgun.
Last Action: Hearing 1/17 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: January 17, 2018

Title: Criminal Law – Crimes of Violence, Expungement, and Drug Treatment
Description: Providing that the use of a firearm in the commission of a certain felony or other crime of violence constitutes a crime of violence; altering the circumstances under which sexual abuse of a minor is a crime of violence; eliminating parole eligibility for certain violent offenders; adding to a list of convictions that may be expunged under certain circumstances; providing that a petition for expungement may not be filed earlier than 15 years after the person satisfies the sentences for all convictions for which expungement is requested; etc.
Last Action: Approved by the Governor - Chapter 143
Last Action Date: April 24, 2018

Title: Criminal Law – Comprehensive Crime Bill of 2018
Description: Providing that the use of a firearm in the commission of a felony or other crime of violence constitutes a crime of violence; expanding the list of controlled dangerous substances applicable to a certain prohibition against volume dealing; increasing maximum penalties for certain crimes; establishing the Tyrone Ray Violence Intervention and Prevention Fund to be used to support effective violence reduction strategies through grants to local communities; establishing the Task Force to Study Maryland's Criminal Gang Statutes; etc.
Last Action: Unfavorable Report by Judiciary
Last Action Date: April 9, 2018

Title: Firearms - Prohibited Possession - Conviction for Harassment
Description: Prohibiting a person from possessing a regulated firearm, a rifle, or a shotgun if the person has been convicted of harassment.
Last Action: Unfavorable Report by Judicial Proceedings; Withdrawn
Last Action Date: January 25, 2018

Title: Public Safety - Handgun Permit - Church or Religious Organization Property
Description: Requiring the Secretary of State Police to issue a handgun permit to a person who is otherwise qualified, has the consent of a bona fide church or religious organization to carry a handgun on the property of the church or religious organization during services and gatherings, and has the intent to wear, carry, or transport a handgun for purposes related to self-protection or the protection of others while on the property of the church or religious organization; etc.
Last Action: Unfavorable Report by Judicial Proceedings; Withdrawn
Last Action Date: February 5, 2018

Title: Public Safety - Handgun Qualification License - Issuance With Permit to Carry, Wear, or Transport
Description: Requiring the Secretary of State Police to issue a certain handgun qualification license to a person who has been issued a permit to carry, wear, or transport a handgun without an additional application or fee.
Last Action: Hearing 1/30 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: January 30, 2018

Title: Crimes - Firearms - Penalties
Description: Altering penalties for certain crimes relating to firearms; adding certain crimes relating to firearms to a certain definition of "crime of violence"; and adding certain crimes relating to firearms as predicate crimes under a certain prohibition against possessing a regulated firearm by a person previously convicted of certain crimes.
Last Action: Hearing 1/30 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: January 30, 2018

Title: Public Safety - Firearms Disqualifications - Antique Firearm (Shadé's Law)
Description: Applying certain provisions disqualifying a person from possessing a rifle or shotgun to an antique firearm; etc.
Last Action: Hearing 2/13 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: February 13, 2018

Title: Public Safety - Permit to Wear, Carry, or Transport a Handgun - Expiration and Renewal
Description: Altering the time period in which a permit to wear, carry, or transport a handgun expires to be 5 years after the issuance; and altering the time period for renewal of a permit to wear, carry, or transport a handgun to 5 years after the last renewal.
Last Action: Hearing 2/13 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: February 13, 2018

Title: Public Safety – Handgun Permits – Protective Order and Peace Order
Description: Requiring the Secretary of State Police to issue a handgun permit to a person who is otherwise qualified and who is a person eligible for relief under a protective order, who is under the protection of an order for protection, or who is a petitioner under a peace order; requiring the Handgun Permit Review Board to review a certain record or conduct a certain hearing within 10 calendar days after receiving a request from a certain applicant; requiring the Board to sustain, reverse or modify a certain decision under certain circumstances; etc.
Last Action: Hearing 2/13 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: February 13, 2018

Title: Firearms – Right to Purchase, Possess, and Carry – Use of Medical Cannabis
Description: Providing that a person may not be denied the right to purchase, possess, or carry a firearm solely on the basis that the person is authorized to use medical cannabis.
Last Action: Hearing 2/13 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: February 13, 2018

Title: Criminal Procedure - Forfeiture of Firearms - Sale to Dealer
Description: Authorizing, in Allegany County, Carroll County, Frederick County, Garrett County, and Washington County, a certain law enforcement unit to sell, exchange, or transfer certain forfeited firearms to a federally licensed firearms dealer under certain circumstances.
Last Action: Hearing 2/13 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: February 13, 2018

Title: Law Enforcement - Federal Surplus Program - Equipment Acquisition
Description: Prohibiting certain law enforcement agencies from receiving certain equipment from a federal military surplus program; requiring certain law enforcement agencies to post notice of a request for certain equipment from a federal military surplus program within 14 days of the request for surplus equipment; etc.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Criminal Law – Firearm Crimes – Rapid Fire Trigger Activator
Description: Prohibiting a person from transporting a certain rapid fire trigger activator into the State or manufacturing, possessing, selling, offering to sell, transferring, purchasing, or receiving a certain rapid fire trigger activator, subject to a certain exception; defining "rapid fire trigger activator" as any device, including a removable manual or power-driven activating device, constructed so that, when installed in or attached to a firearm the rate at which the trigger is activated increases or the rate of fire increases; etc.
Last Action: Approved by the Governor - Chapter 252
Last Action Date: April 24, 2018

Title: Public Safety – Handgun Permit Review Board – Appeals
Description: Altering the process by which a person who is denied a certain handgun permit or renewal of a permit or whose permit is revoked or limited by the Secretary of State Police or the Secretary's designee may appeal the decision; providing that appeals from a certain decision by the Secretary or the Secretary's designee may be made to the Handgun Permit Review Board; requiring the Board to review a certain record and hold a hearing within 60 days of the last hearing; requiring the Board to report annually to the Governor and General Assembly; etc.
Last Action: Vetoed by the Governor (Duplicative)
Last Action Date: May 25, 2018

Title: Public Safety - Permit to Carry, Wear, or Transport a Handgun - Qualifications
Description: Clarifying that self-defense can qualify as a good and substantial reason to wear, carry, or transport a handgun for purposes of the issuance by the Secretary of State Police of a permit to carry, wear, or transport a handgun.
Last Action: Hearing 2/22 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: February 22, 2018

Title: Public Safety - Regulated Firearms - Transfer
Description: Providing that, for certain purposes, the term "transfer" includes a loan other than a temporary gratuitous exchange of a regulated firearm between two individuals who remain in the same location for the duration of the exchange.
Last Action: Hearing 2/28 at 3:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: February 28, 2018

Title: Public Safety - Firearms Database
Description: Requiring the Secretary of State Police to create and maintain a database containing information regarding the use of firearms in the commission of a crime and in self-defense; requiring the database to include certain information; and requiring the database to be open to the public.
Last Action: Unfavorable Report by Judicial Proceedings; Withdrawn
Last Action Date: March 9, 2018

Title: Partial Repeal of Firearms Safety Act of 2013
Description: Repealing the designation of certain firearms as assault weapons; repealing the prohibition on certain persons transporting an assault weapon into the State or possessing, selling, offering to sell, transferring, purchasing, or receiving an assault weapon; prohibiting, with certain exceptions, a person from transporting an assault pistol into the State or possessing, selling, offering to sell, transferring, purchasing, or receiving an assault pistol; etc.
Last Action: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 6, 2018

Title: Criminal Procedure - Firearms - Transfer
Description: Requiring a State's Attorney to serve a certain written notice on a defendant, the defendant's counsel, and the court prior to trial or the acceptance of a plea of guilty or the equivalent; requiring a court to inform, both verbally and in a written notice, a defendant convicted of a domestically related offense that the defendant is prohibited from possessing certain firearms; requiring the defendant to transfer all regulated firearms within 2 business days to a State or local law enforcement agency or federally licensed dealer; etc.
Last Action: Senators Zirkin, Ready, and Muse
Last Action Date: April 9, 2018

Title: Weapon Crimes - Detachable Magazines and Regulated Firearms - Possession
Description: Prohibiting a person from possessing a certain detachable magazine that has a capacity of more than 10 rounds of ammunition; prohibiting a person from possessing a regulated firearm if the person was previously convicted of a certain crime involving possessing, owning, carrying, or transporting a firearm after having been convicted of a certain other crime; and applying certain penalties.
Last Action: Hearing 2/22 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: February 22, 2018

Title: Handgun Permits - Criminal History Check - Fingerprint Submission Exception
Description: Establishing that the Secretary of State Police is not required to submit certain fingerprints with a certain application for a criminal history records check under certain circumstances.
Last Action: Hearing 3/29 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: March 29, 2018

Title: Criminal Law – Threat of Mass Violence
Description: Altering a certain prohibition relating to threatening to commit a certain crime of violence so as to prohibit a person from knowingly threatening to commit or threatening to cause to be committed a certain crime of violence that would place five or more minors at substantial risk of death or serious physical injury if the threat were carried out.
Last Action: Hearing 4/04 at 1:00 p.m.
Last Action Date: April 4, 2018

Title: Public Safety - Background Information for Firearm License Investigations - School Crisis Welfare Officers (School Safety Act 2018: Prevention)
Description: Requiring the Secretary of State Police to request certain assistance from certain officials, the courts of the State, and health care facilities in the State in conducting an investigation of an applicant for a certain firearm license; establishing the Workgroup on Accurate and Integrated Background Information on Applicants for Firearm Licenses to study how investigations for applicants for firearms licenses are conducted and to recommend the best methods for obtaining the most comprehensive information on applicants; etc.
Last Action: Hearing 3/23 at 11:30 a.m.
Last Action Date: March 23, 2018

Title: Public Safety – School Mental Health Services and Mental Disorder Weapon Restraining Order
Description: Altering a certain prohibition on making certain threats to commit or cause to be committed a crime of violence; requiring the State Department of Education to develop a certain model policy for the establishment of a threat assessment team by January 1, 2019; authorizing a certain petitioner, under certain circumstances, to file a petition for a certain restraining order alleging that, due to a mental disorder, a certain respondent is a danger to self or the person or property of another; etc.
Last Action: Hearing 3/23 at 11:30 a.m. (Judicial Proceedings)
Last Action Date: March 23, 2018

Title: Primary and Secondary Schools - Law Enforcement Presence (School Safety Act 2018: Deterrence)
Description: Requiring each public school to have an armed school resource officer present on school grounds during regular school hours on school days; requiring the Department of State Police to assign a State Police officer to a certain public school under certain circumstances; authorizing a private school to have an armed school resource officer on school grounds; requiring a local law enforcement agency to collaborate with a local public school to establish a reasonable time for responding to an emergency at the public school; etc.
Last Action: Hearing 3/23 at 11:30 a.m.
Last Action Date: March 23, 2018