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Utah Governor Signs Bill To Allow 18 Year Olds To Carry
  Posted March 24th, 2017 11:30 am


Posts: 1,434

Of a record 535 bills passed by the Utah Legislature before it adjourned March 9, governor Herbert has signed 313 thus far. The Republican governor has until March 29 to decide whether to veto, sign or allow remaining unsigned bills to become law without his signature.

Among the newly signed bills is HB198. The measure lowers the age for obtaining a concealed-weapons permit from 21 to 18. Although Utah law allows Utahns as young as 18 to purchase, possess and openly carry guns, most colleges and universities in the state ban open carrying on their campuses. The bill's sponsor, Rep. Karianne Lisonbee, R-Clearfield, said that has prevented young women from carrying guns as a protection against sexual assault.

Utah Governor Signs Bill To Allow 18 Year Olds To Carry