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Wyoming Senate Moves Campus Carry Bills Out Of Committee
  Posted February 16th, 2017 12:44 pm


Posts: 1,434

After hearing nearly two hours of public testimony, a Senate committee endorsed two proposals that would allow people with concealed-carry permits to take weapons onto Wyoming college campuses and to state and local government meetings.

The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 4-1 Wednesday to send House Bills 136 and 137 to the full Senate for additional debate. The bills have already passed the House.

Supporters of the two proposals say law-abiding citizens who must meet stringent requirements to earn a concealed carry permit shouldn't have their rights infringed upon. They say the measures would improve self-defense in active shooter situations.

"It's restoring our fundamental and natural rights," Rep. Bo Biteman, R-Ranchester and a sponsor of both bills, said.

Wyoming Senate Moves Campus Carry Bills Out Of Committee